Baptista Luz

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Lawyer with experience in the Civil and Business areas. Since the beginning of college, interested in mediating interpersonal relationships, she is the author of the legal article “Constitutional Analysis of the Anticrime Package and the Impacts on Regime Progression” published in 2020. In 2021, Bruna acted as a member of the research and extension project Restaurando Londrina by UNIFIL with the theme “Restorative Justice”. Also, he joined as a monitor the extension project Knowing the Law in Brasília by UNIFIL in 2021. Before joining BLuz, in 2022, he was Vice-President of the Academic Center XI de Abril of the Law course at Unifil-Londrina. Currently, he is a member of the Baptista Luz Advogados team, working in the area of ​​Civil Litigation and Arbitration.


Bachelor of Laws at Centro Universitário Filadélfia - Londrina/PR (2018-2022).

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Bruna, during her therapeutic process, found herself passionate about talking about human relationships and behavior, as well as emotional intelligence and the impact on society in general.

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Baptista Luz