Baptista Luz

Júlia Aragão

Legal Ops

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Graduated in Law from the University of São Paulo (FDRP-USP), Júlia has been working with legal innovation since 2021. During this period, she was part of the first innovation and Legal Operations program structured by a Brazilian full-service office, having initially worked on developing research and content on technology and innovation and, later, as a specialist in Legal Design. For two years, she managed the Legal Design work front, working directly with large clients from different sectors, and coordinating graphic design projects, internal customer experience, Legal Operations and service design, developed by multidisciplinary teams.

She co-authored the chapters: “”The evolution of the metaverse in society: main legal challenges””, in “”Metaverse: legal aspects””; and “”Multidisciplinary teams and the Law: unlocking innovation in legal departments and law firms””, in “”The future of law: new areas, applied technology and skills.””.

Seeking to improve her interdisciplinary knowledge, with a focus on managing creative and innovation projects, Júlia began her postgraduate degree in Strategic Design and Innovation at the Centro Universitário Belas Artes de São Paulo.


/ Graduated in Law from the University of São Paulo (USP) - Faculty of Law of Ribeirão Preto (FDRP)
/ Exchange student at the Faculty of Law of the University of Salamanca (USAL) in Criminology and Legal Psychology
/ Postgraduate student in Strategic Design at Centro Universitário Belas Artes de São Paulo

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Design, efficiency, technology and works of science fiction.

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