Baptista Luz

27/05/2024 Estimated reading 1’

Administrative Process Trail – Guide 02: Inspection Process

  • 1’

Our second Guide, dedicated to the inspection process of the National Data Protection Authority (ANPD), is now available.

In the first Guide, we detailed the structure of the ANPD and the principles that govern its actions. Now, in this second Guide, we delve into the theme of inspection, highlighting the monitoring, guidance, and prevention activities that comprise the administrative process.

The inspection process aims to verify compliance with the obligations established by the Brazilian General Data Protection Law (LGPD), ensuring the protection of the fundamental right to personal data protection.

In this material, we address the inspection model adopted by the ANPD, highlighting its collaborative and responsive approach, which seeks to influence behavior and promote compliance with the LGPD in an educational manner.

Within each topic, we analyze in detail the role of the ANPD in relation to each activity, offering relevant insights for each one.

Acesse a versão em português clicando aqui.


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