Baptista Luz

31/07/2024 Estimated reading 1’

Administrative Process Trail Guide 04: Sanctioning Administrative Process – Initiation and Instruction of the Process


The fourth Guide in our Administrative Process Trail series, dedicated to the Sanctioning Administrative Process of the National Data Protection Authority (ANPD), is now available.

What you will find in this guide:

Initiation: Understand the opening process, from the issuance of the infraction notice to the notification of the accused.

Process Instruction: Discover how the production of evidence works, the role of the accused, and the participation of interested third parties. Additionally, learn about the final allegations process and how the General Coordination of Supervision prepares the instruction report.

The Sanctioning Process in the Context of GDPR: Understand the framework that underpins the supervision and enforcement structure within the European Union, particularly in relation to GDPR compliance.

If you haven’t seen the previous guides yet, visit:

Guide 01: Structure of the ANPD

Guide 02: Supervision Process

Guide 03: Sanctioning Administrative Process – Preparatory Process

Acesse a versão em português clicando aqui. 

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