Baptista Luz

05/12/2024 Estimated reading 1’

Administrative Process Trail Guide 08: Compliance with the Decision and Review


Guide 08 of the Administrative Process Trail provides a detailed analysis of the phase of enforcing the decision and the review procedure. Understand the measures that must be taken to comply with ANPD decisions, the actions that can be taken by the General Coordination of Supervision to ensure compliance with administrative decisions, and the criteria and procedures for reviewing administrative decisions issued by the ANPD. 

If you haven’t seen the previous guides, access them here: 

Guide 01: ANPD Structure

Guide 02: Inspection Process

Guide 03: Sanctioning Administrative Process – Preparatory Process

Guide 04: Sanctioning Administrative Process – Initiation and Instruction of the Process.

Guide 05: Decision and Sanctions Application  

Guide 06: Case Analysis 

Guide 07: Appeal

*Acesse a versão em português clicando aqui.

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