We are pleased to release the ninth and final guide in our series on the Administrative Process Trail. This guide addresses the corrective measures applied by the ANPD, delving into its discretionary powers and presenting recent case studies that illustrate how these measures have been applied in practice.
In this ninth guide, you will find:
- Corrective Measures: How the ANPD applies and defines actions to bring violators back into compliance with the LGPD.
- ANPD’s Discretionary Powers: Limits and criteria in the imposition of corrective measures, always aligned with the principles of Public Administration.
- Case Studies: Practical examples of how corrective measures have been applied.
This guide concludes the collection, designed to assist professionals and organizations in understanding the ANPD’s administrative sanctioning process and the importance of LGPD compliance.
If you haven’t explored the previous guides yet, access them here:
Guide 03: Sanctioning Administrative Process – Preparatory Process
Guide 04: Sanctioning Administrative Process – Initiation and Instruction of the Process.
Guide 05: Decision and Sanctions Application