Baptista Luz

19/06/2024 Estimated reading 2’’

Call for Contributions: Processing of Personal Data of Children and Adolescents

  • 2’’

On June 18, the National Data Protection Authority (ANPD) launched a Call for Contributions to gather input from society about the processing of personal data of children and adolescents. b/luz team is already preparing contributions, and you can also submit yours. The Call for Contributions will remain open until July 17, exclusively through the Participa+Brasil platform.

The objective of the Call for Contributions is to gather subsidies that can support the regulatory impact analysis and the subsequent implementation of regulatory actions by the ANPD related to the subject. This initiative constitutes one of the initial stages of the regulatory project on the processing of data of children and adolescents, as outlined in the Regulatory Agenda – Biennium 2023-2024, which also includes the prioritization of enforcement actions.

Considering the protection of children and adolescents as an obligation of the State and society, as well as the significant participation of this audience on the internet, the establishment of specific rules for processing their data is essential not only to ensure the protection of personal data but also to promote legal certainty, enabling companies to develop services and products in compliance with applicable regulations.

Given the importance of the matter, the ANPD has already addressed the topic on various occasions. In September 2022, a public consultation was opened to discuss the legal bases applicable to the processing of personal data of children and adolescents, resulting in Statement CD/ANPD No. 01/2023. Additionally, the Guidelines on the legitimate interest, released at the beginning of 2024, presents concrete parameters for evaluating the principle of the best interest of children and adolescents.

The Call for Contributions, in turn, addresses topics such as parental consent, data collection in games and internet applications, transparency, age verification mechanisms, and privacy by design measures.

You can participate in the Call for Contributions through the Participa+Brasil platform or contact our team if you wish to provide any contributions.

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