Administrative Process Trail Guide 08: Compliance with the Decisi[...]
1’Lawyer, legal analyst, researcher, teacher.
Professor at Proordem – Preparatory Courses for the OAB Exam, teaches the subject: Statute of the Child and Adolescent (ECA). He was a professor at the Faculty of Law of Santo André (FADISA), and taught the disciplines of Legal Hermeneutics, Constitutional Law II, Civil Law I, in the Law course between 2018-2022.
Post-graduated in Constitutional Law (Damásio) and started a master’s degree in Human Rights (FD/USP). He graduated in Law from the Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná in 2017. During graduation, he worked since the first semester in the area of civil law and developed scientific research, was a student representative on the Research and Projects Commission (COPESQ) of PUCPR, member founder of the Academic Nucleus of Social Practice (N.A.P.S.) and member of the Central Directory of Students (DCE) (2015-2017) of that institution.
Specialist in General Data Protection Law (OAB-SP) and in Intellectual/Industrial Property (WIPO).
Co-author of the book “Trans-identity: Transsexuality and the legal system”.
Author of chapters in the works “Law and Democracy: Legal Essays from the perspective of Human and Fundamental Rights”; “Transgenders”; “The Rights of the LGBTI+ Population: Legality, Struggle and Resistance”; Studies on Sexual and Gender Diversity: Updates, Themes and Objects”; “Democracy and Fundamental Rights: Critical reflections from (in)tolerance)”.
/ Postgraduate degree in Constitutional Law from the Faculty of Law Damásio de Jesus.
/ Bachelor of Laws from the Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná – Campus Londrina (PUCPR), completed in 2017.
/ Specialization in Intellectual Property from the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO).
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