Baptista Luz

Andressa Bizutti Andrade


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Andressa holds a Master’s degree from Harvard Law School (LLM), where she teaches in the CopyrightX program, and a master’s degree from the Department of Commercial Law at the University of São Paulo (USP), with a focus on regulation of new technologies and their impact on content production. She is a counselor at CONAR and a graduate of USP. Since 2015, Andressa has been conducting academic studies on the regulation of the video-on-demand sector, audiovisual content, and OTT services. In her legal practice, Andressa combines her academic and practical experience in advertising, media, and technology regulation since 2017. She has also been a professor in the Digital Influencers: Strategies and Best Practices course at the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) since 2018. Andressa has also served as the Vice President of the Legal Affairs Committee at IAB.


/ Master from Harvard Law School (LLM) - 2022
/ Master by the Department of Commercial Law at the Universidade de São Paulo (USP) - 2021
/ Bachelor of Laws from the Universidade de São Paulo (USP) - 2016

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Baptista Luz